By leveraging our suite of Managed Services, you’ll add the capability of a skilled team who can quickly access your card access systems directly, maintain changes in staffing, and make sure the system is fully functioning. The services offered here have an additional benefit of assuming a number of administrative and functional tasks that further simplify and reduce workload, ensuring your systems are always in good working order.
Managed Service Options
Cardholder Maintenance
When staffing changes occur, the last thing you want to think about is building security. We will handle removing and adding cards as employee changes happen with only simple notification of the change.
Remote Door Lock/Unlock
Unlock or lock your facilities from your desk or even offsite! With Pointe Alarm’s card access systems, you can simply put in requests to have the doors lock and unlock at specific times, and we take care of the rest.
Photo ID Badging
Pointe Alarm can generate access cards with employee photos, names, and custom information printed on them to assure your employees are wearing a proper ID at all times.
Remote Visitor Entry
Need to let in a maintenance crew after hours? Pointe Alarm can help with that! When managing your system, all you have to do is give our emergency line a call and we are able to let visitors in after ID verification.
Call 313 882 SAFE.